Want to get results quickly and don’t have time right now to read our whole guide with 35 leveraging strategies? Try these quick tips for quick ROI. And go here to see more examples.


Before sharing anywhere, link the article to Snip.ly and add a Call-to-Action (CTA).


Add the article to the start of your funnel (if you have one) to leverage the instant credibility of being published alongside other thought leaders.


Create a graphic which leverages the “celebrities” in your article like so:


Share on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Snapchat — wherever you and your followers hang out. Make it a pinned post. Encourage your followers to like, love, and comment. Maybe let them know that your article is going to publish in advance. (Helps with engagement!) See example:


Incentivize sharing by offering a service for the best comment, e.g. a scholarship in your program or a complimentary coaching call. See example:


When sharing on social media, add a longer narrative about why you created your business or service. This works well on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.


If you have a Facebook business page, send ads to the post.


Add the article URL to your social media bios. Create a short link on Bitly — it’s visually more attractive!


Use Canva to create beautiful visuals with different pieces of micro-content from your quote. Include a short link back to the article. Here’s an example:


Share to your email contacts.


In your email signature, add “Read my interview on Entrepreneur/Time Money/CNBC etc.”


On your blog, write two or three articles which expand on your advice in our story. Repost to Facebook and LinkedIn.


Add a screenshot of the article to your lead magnet and sales page, and/or add the media outlet’s logo to your page for instant authority.

For all of these tips and many more, download our Press Leveraging Secrets guide:
